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OneTimeCharge leads to status 502 - what is behind that and how to fix it?

Hi community,


I was trying to do a oneTimeCharge() via a post but I get a 502 in return what do I do about that?


This is the POST request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXX' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{}'


And this is the response:



I especially like to know how to proceed on a reason:INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 😕


Any help greatly appriciated.


PS! I actually have a feeling that the viCare app is doing the same thing though it is not reporting the error, as in both cases the oneTimeCharge of the DHW-tank is not starting...



Still does not work, however I now get a 200 with

    "data": {
I have not changed a thing so I am guessing it was an "outage" on the API gateway... ?
But the question is still relevant in the sense that the INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR is that the API gateway error? Or communication to my device? or execution at my device? Some more information would be good in case of these kind of errors going forward. Would that be possible?

And now it is the 502 again.


    "extendedPayload": {
@MichaelHanna Is there anything you and the team could do and reveal to make this more obvious ? Secondly ofcourse more resilient, and working 🙂

Hi @jborup ,


is the error 502 still existent? How often do you experience the error? In general, the internal server error is not related to your call or the function you are using.
